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Hotel Elevator

The Zen StreamLine Premium Hotel Elevator is a high performing technology offering unique, customizable design.


We believe In Product Performance Precision

The Zen StreamLine Premium Hotel Elevator is a high performing technology offering unique, customizable design. It is a space-saving solution which comes with flexibility in design to add more and makes it a perfect choice for vertical transportation of passengers as well as goods.

These lifts are designed to maximize the space savings and can carry a maximum of 20 persons with the load capacity of 1000kgs. The use of featured premium gearless motors ensures smooth ride quality and low energy consumption.

With the minimum wait time, the Zen StreamLine Premium Hotel Elevator guarantees a stress-free passenger experience. The Zen StreamLine Premium Hotel Elevator complies with the legislation and utmost safety standards.

The installation procedure is easy and quick, and there is a 24×7 technical support to avoid any level of disruption.

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+91 93566 13000,

+91 81237 13000

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© 2022 by IEE Lifts. Proudly created with BigColoursAD


E-26, Industrial Area, Phase 7,  
Sector 73, Mohali 160055 (PB)



A service that uses AI based analytics and regular inspections to identify potential issues in your equipment before they cause problems. PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR YOUR BUILDING Make everyday life more convenient and maintain a sense of security in your building. 

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